Does discipline equal freedom?

It doesn’t sound like it should does it?

Another question; are human beings stimulus-response creatures or do we have the ability to not act on what stimulates us? Another way of asking this is; are you an animal or are you a thinking human being?

So know now know how I feel about this?

We are not strutting pigs, are we? We can make thoughtful choices that will help our lives become all that we have hoped for. The word discipline comes from the word discipulus, and is the Latin word for pupil and the source of the word disciple. There are several meanings of the word discipline including study, governing one’s behavior, and instruction. It is the behavior aspect that I am talking about in this blog. Yes all humans have the ability to govern our behavior, but sadly we don’t always govern it in ways that lead to long-term good feeling’s about our selves.

So does discipline equal freedom? Let me answer that by giving you a few quotes;

  • “True freedom is impossible without a mind made free by discipline.” Mortimer J. Adler (Author)
  • “With self-discipline most anything is possible.” – Theodore Roosevelt (former President of the United States)
  • “It’s easy to have faith in yourself and have discipline when you’re a winner, when you’re number one. What you got to have is faith and discipline when you’re not a winner.” Vince Lombardi (former Head Coach of the Green Bay Packers)

Doesn’t it now make more sense to be a disciplined person?

How can you improve your discipline today?

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