Does forcing an apology work?

Does apologizing to a specific group of people for a rude comment change things?

In May a ball-player for the Toronto Blue Jays was forced/told to apologize to the LGBTQ community for a ‘slur’ he said during a base-ball game. When I first heard of this I did not understand why he was told to apologize. It seems to me that any person who is rude to another person should apologize because they were disrespectful. Secondly what purpose does it serve to apologize to a group of people, who may not have even been at the ball-game?

Is it that we’ve all become overly-sensitive in this world?

Is it that the owners of the baseball team are thinking of their financial bottom-line?

Is it because they’ve lost sight of the big-picture?

Are you wondering what the big-picture is?

It is the fact that respect needs to be shown to all people in the human race.

A question to consider is; when will we become more respectful to all people?

2 Comments on “Does forcing an apology work?

  1. Good Point Tim. I do not know the facts of that particular incident.

    However I am concerned that the same “thought police” who demand apologies from anyone who has allegedly “insulted” a specific group, are responsible for shutting down debate on sensitive issues.

    Further, it appears that no one who has a negative opinion about certain groups can voice that opinion without being accused of racism, misogyny, homophobia, Islamophobia or a host of other “isms” and “phobias”.

    But, Christians, Christianity itself, heterosexual people and particularly older, white males can be accused of and condemned for, practically anything without recourse.

    Personally, I believe same sex marriage is wrong. My attitude to homosexual people of either gender is live and let live. I certainly do not judge or criticise them but I have no interest in hearing or reading about their sexual preferences, just as I am determined to keep details of my own personal life private.

    When I do speak out about same sex marriage or the absurdity of our taxpayer’s money and police force’s time wasted on “gay pride” parades, I am accused of prejudice.

    It is a terrible state of affairs when unbridled political correctness prevents ordinary people from expressing an opinion.

    • Is faith a private matter? I am not so sure on that, I type that because every action in our lives depends on what our values are. Another question; doesn’t the freedom of religion extend to the public sphere?

      As G.K. Chesterton said “The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.” The truth is that the secular world’s idea of happiness looks so appealing. But does it bring true happiness? I believe with courage and actions we can show others what they already know – that is how unfulfilling the secular world’s happiness truly is.
      Thanks for your input Peter.

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