Is there a better plan for you?

Are your actions towards a goal not working?

A few questions;

  • Have you evaluated your plan of action lately?
  • Are you satisfied that this plan will work?
  • Why hasn’t it worked?

No matter what you are doing, it is always good to evaluate what you are doing, isn’t it? This evaluation does not have to be done just after you’ve started to use it, does it? No, you need a bit of a track record to analyze the results. Once you have that track record you need to examine, then update your plan of action even if it is only a bit of tweaking.

Why do I bring this up?

It is because many people feel that no matter what is happening their plan must never change. This is sad as if you continue to do what you’ve always done and the results are poor. You’ll continue to get the poor results unless you improve the plan.

When will you take action on creating a better plan for your life?

2 Comments on “Is there a better plan for you?

  1. I agree that it’s best to re-evaluate your plan of action, Tim. I do it myself with my plans for weight loss… for example, I found that my original plan of having a couple of drinks of alcohol on weekends only didn’t work for me. Those couple of drinks turned into too many drinks, so I cut out drinking completely.

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