Is there something that you really fear?

Are you trying to remove that fear from your life?

In a recent blog by Niall Doherty he wrote about how he has been asked many times while he cares so much about dating women. His answer was because that is where the fear is. His response truly intrigued or fascinated me.

He went on to say that he viewed his fear as a sign post that was pointing him towards growth opportunities. He concluded by saying that he couldn’t back away from the fear and feel at peace. This is a very mature admission.

The question for me is; does it take a special person to avoid backing away from the fear? I believe the answer is ‘yes’! I say that because you and I have seen many people that avoided their fears and therefore lived a life of disengagement.

What is a life of disengagement? It is a life that you are living on the side-line. It is a life that you chose not to get involved with others and take the risk of having them be different than you are. It is a life that you don’t take chances, and then complain when others are leading more interesting lives.

What can you do today to overcome the fear that you have?

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