Is time a magical thing?

Does it heal wounds or transform us?

I bring this up due to an article in a magazine that proposed that time is magical and it heals wounds and transforms us. What utter nonsense!

Time is not magical, we all have 24 hours in a day and if we don’t use it to our advantage we’ve wasted it, we’ve lost the 24 hours that we’ve been blessed with and the opportunity that we could have used for the betterment of the society that we live in.

Time does not heal wounds, just ask the parent who had a child die. The hurt that is left in that parent is immense. Just think about the mother because they have carried that child inside themselves for 9 months and was part of every decision they made during that time.

Time does not transform us, we transform ourselves by the action we take to improve our lives. No, we can’t sit and wait for time to transform us, we are the only ones who can change our minds from a negative perspective and take action.

What will you do with the time you have today?

Will you use it to transform your life and the lives of those who are important to you?

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