Would you like to be happier?

Did you know that there is a simple way of achieving this?

Let me give you a real life example; it is my understanding that just over 200 years ago on January 30, 1815 Thomas Jefferson offered to restock the shelves of the Library of Congress in the United States due to a fire that had taken place earlier. At that time he was the owner of the largest private collection of books in the U. S.

Are you asking what has this to do with becoming a happier person?

Well the reason why Jefferson had the largest private collection of books in the United States was that he had given up reading newspapers in order to have more time reading great philosophers. When asked about this he stated that he was much happier reading the books than the newspapers.

The same can be said for today’s world. When you look at newspapers or for that matter any news media it appears that it is all the same bad news.

When was the last time you bought a book to enlighten your life?

Wouldn’t today be a good time to start building your own library, thus increasing your happiness?

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