Are you happy with the ‘could haves’ and ‘should haves’ in your life?

This Saturday (July 18th) is called ‘Toss Your Could Haves and Should Haves Day’.

This is a day that needs to be honored by all people, no matter their race, color or creed. This is because when we continue to offer up ‘could haves’ and ‘should haves’ we are leading ourselves down a path that leads to nowhere.

I state that because the ‘could haves’ and ‘should haves’ that you say or think are excuses. What you are saying are excuses for not doing what you could have or should have done. What that means to you is that that you are not taking responsibility for your life actions, and have adopted a habit that is going to end with failure.

Isn’t it funny that we don’t think about our habits much? Consider this; our habits define who we really are. Consider that if you don’t review or look at your life and your habits what you are saying is that that things are perfect in every area of your life. That sounds rather absurd doesn’t it? This is because we know deep down that every part of our life needs improvement. Of course, if you are a Narcissus type, you think you are perfect, so why change? As a reminder Narcissus is a figure from Greek mythology who thought he was so handsome that he fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water.

Aristotle stated; ‘Excellence is an art won by training and habituation.” I agree with this to some degree because as a human being we constantly strive for perfection but we will never attain it in this life-time. It is when we strive for perfection, we train ourselves to be better and form better habits.

Habits, as you know are difficult to change. Yet they can be changed by being intentional in our actions. Let me give you a personal example. Forty years ago, I had to force myself to go to a gym every morning. I’d be lying if I said it was not difficult. But after all of these years I have overcome the habit of making excuses for not continuing my exercise routine.

I tossed the could haves and should haves in that area of my life, and my physical condition is an example of improvement in this part of my life. As I am a work in progress, I continue to take action to remove the ‘could haves’ and ‘should haves’ in other areas of my life.

Is tossing the could haves and should haves in one area of your life something that you could start today?

Can you imagine how doing this will created a better you?

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