Are you missing a piece of the puzzle?
I hope you found my subject line intriguing? This is because what I am going to address today is very important to each and every business. It is the difference between mechanical marketing and expressive marketing.
Mechanical marketing uses tricks, bribes and schemes to attract the quick sale and is very easy to execute. Expressive marketing is all about getting your potential clients to understand how your products and services will make a significant difference in their lives. It is all about how your offering is different than what your competition offers. Due to this you might also find it intriguing to discover that expressive marketing will jet-propel you to success you’ve never experienced before.
Why can I state that? It is because ‘Expressive Marketing’ is based on proven truths that we have uncovered in our research. Mechanical marketing is like throwing spaghetti at a wall and hoping that some of it will stick.
All of the benefits of ‘Expressive Marketing’ can be yours by contacting me, so that we can explore the possibilities. My number is 519-539-2267.
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