Are you the one who started your business?
If you were, you do have some very unique challenges.
The founder of any business has been the ‘doer’ for some time. He or she may not be able to change from their original role in the company as it grows. When I write change I mean a total change in the involvement with the business he or she started. This is ‘their baby’ and they are not going to change their role in the company. Sadly if they don’t commit to making them selves obsolete, their company will not grow to the capacity that it could; if they let go.
When you let go – you create a new and exciting era for your business. You are saying to your staff that you trust them and what they can do with their new ideas and concepts. By showing trust, they will respect you and all the work you’ve done and make sure that their actions are actions for growth. You will become the mentor to a staff and you will be looked upon for insight.
Wouldn’t that be a great way to live your business life?
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