Do you copy what the famous say?
Is it true that if a person is a celebrity that it makes them an authority on something? I type this blog because of viewing a variety of headlines that espoused what successful people did and why we all need …
Is it true that if a person is a celebrity that it makes them an authority on something? I type this blog because of viewing a variety of headlines that espoused what successful people did and why we all need …
Whether it is in an office or in a family, trouble makers bring down the spirit of everyone, don’t they? Yes, they will take part of an issue and try to make it a problem. They do this usually by …
Would you like to make a big improvement that will change your life for the better? Most people think that in order to make a big improvement it takes a big change in their life. I am not sure that big changes …
How careful are you with your words in describing a situation? I write this blog because of what I’ve recently read in a report about an actress and the what she experienced during the filming of a new movie. Her husband …
Are you concerned about what you plan for? I write this blog because over the years it was ‘the thing’ to plan in business. Business owners were told to plan for the number or amount of sales and the gross …
It doesn’t sound like it should does it? Another question; are human beings stimulus-response creatures or do we have the ability to not act on what stimulates us? Another way of asking this is; are you an animal or are …
What is all this talk of ‘self-creation’ about? Lately, I’ve been made aware that there are specific self-help gurus that are promoting a concept called ‘self-creation’. When I first heard about this I smiled, but then I started to realize …
Have you ever thought what it would be like to look back at your life, when you were in your 80’s? Those two questions are not morbid, but can lead to a total evaluation of a person’s actions thus far in …
This form of an extreme positive attitude can be welcomed by many and deplored by many as well, can’t it? Positivity is usually attached to someone who only sees the opportunity of good always happening. There is never a thought that …
Why aren’t you allowing yourself to move on from that error? Our conscience can hold us back and due to this I believe it is necessary to go the extra-mile. You may ask; what the extra-mile is? To me the …