Can you achieve true success, on your own?

Can we learn from history if success is achievable on your own?

Many people don’t realize that the discovery of DNA, relied heavily on the work of other scientists. Many people believe that American biologist James Watson and English physicist Francis Crick discovered DNA in the 1950s. It is my understanding; this is not the case. I’ve found that DNA was first identified in the late 1860s by a Swiss chemist named Friedrich Miescher. Then following Miescher’s discovery, other scientists particularly, Phoebus Levene and Erwin Chargaff carried out a series of research attempts that revealed more details about the DNA molecule, namely its primary chemical components and the ways in which they were joined together.

So, it must be noted that without the scientific groundwork provided by these pioneers like Miescher, Levene and Chargaff; James Watson and Francis Crick may never have reached their groundbreaking conclusion of 1953: that the DNA molecule exists in the form of a three-dimensional double helix.

Is there a lesson for us in this?

Yes, very often many people who are very passionate about their work become single-minded to the task at hand. They forget that we humans were meant to work together. We also forget that we should be willing to embrace approaches that are outside of our familiar approaches or ways of doing things.

So, what can you do?

Let me ask you a few questions;

  • Do you think you know everything?
  • Are you open to other’s opinions or suggestions?
  • Have you ever considered using a personal development coach to help you create a breakthrough in your business?

Your answers tell you how successful you and your business truly will be, don’t they?

If you are interested in creating a breakthrough in your business, give me a call at 519-539-2267. Then way we can explore the possibilities for you.

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