Do you think you can be successful on your own?
Is it really possible? Let me give you an example from last week. I had a great deal of trouble with this web-site. The whole format of it had been altered with an upgrade to the site. While I had …
Is it really possible? Let me give you an example from last week. I had a great deal of trouble with this web-site. The whole format of it had been altered with an upgrade to the site. While I had …
Is it a personality issue? Everyone knows a story about a very smart person that is promoted into leadership at an organization and truly flops at the position. You and I also know of a person with ordinary abilities who …
Why is it that some people can lead and others can’t? Read more »
Congruency is the state achieved when there is agreement and the coming together for a purpose. Recently I read article about a person who spoke to a large group of professionals. The speaker said some words that made no sense …