Do you ask your clients to compare prices?
Did you know that by doing that it could lead to some results that you didn’t expect?
Stanford Graduate School of Business completed a marketing study in 2005, which I believe is relative today. They posed the following; if you walked into a drugstore and were asked to compare the price of the store’s brand of aspirin to a national brand. What do you do?
When you ask people to make comparisons it can lead to uncertainty because it can change the consumer’s behavior in essential ways. According to Uptal Dholakia, a marketing professor at Rice University, “It can easily backfire. Consumers may decide not to buy at all or to minimize what they perceive as a heightened risk instead of following the advice that the marketer had in mind.”
Why did I tell you all of this? It is because you need to start to understand human behavior better before you make any business decisions?
What can you do today to improve your actions as a person or as a business?
Did you realize that by not understanding how consumers make decisions you will be increasing the resistance that people have towards you and your offer?
Why would you do that and in-turn make your life more stressful?
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