Do you know what discern means?

If you don’t, now may be time to learn that discernment is an absolute key in today’s world, isn’t it?

I would hope you said yes to that question. The reason for an affirmative answer is that if you look at the headlines in the news, it can lead a very perplexing view of life. Consider the following;

  • ‘Green card holder prevented from returning dies’
  • ‘Fewer people are buying ammunition after the election because Hillary Clinton didn’t win’
  • ‘Trump Bars Refugees and Citizens of 7 Muslim Countries’

It is the last one that I am going to write about, as after I read the Presidential order called ‘Protecting the Nation from foreign terrorist entry into the United States’ signed on January 27th, I know that here is a big issue due to people not reading the document or discerning what it really says. But before I start I want to tell you that what I write is neither written from a person for or against the new President. I write it just after read the fact and discerning them.

Let me give you a number of examples as to why I believe more discernment is needed. Now I will quote from the document then give my opinion;

  1. “The United States must be vigilant during the visa-issuance process to ensure that those approved for admission do not intend to harm Americans and that they have no ties to terrorism.” Tell me what country does not want to be vigilant in ensuring who is admitted to their country?
  2. “To temporarily reduce investigative burdens on relevant agencies during the review period described in subsection (a) of this section, to ensure the proper review and maximum utilization of available resources for the screening of foreign nationals, and to ensure that adequate standards are established to prevent infiltration by foreign terrorists or criminals, pursuant to section 212(f) of the INA, 8 U.S.C. 1182(f),” Tell me what citizen what not want to make sure that the investigation of people who want to enter a country would not be rushed?

Do you see how discernment can help you look at a situation and come to a possibly different conclusion?

When you start to be more discerning in your actions and opinions?

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