Do you know who your competition is?

Would you like to understand how Tiger Woods views competition?

In December of 2014 Tiger Woods said; “We all eventually are losing some of the things we are able to do when we were younger,” Then he went on to say; “You don’t have to physically beat anybody. You just have to beat the golf course.”

I know there is a gem of wisdom in that last statement. I say that because if you have to beat the golf course the competition does not become personal. By taking it out of the personal aspect you can be more focused on what you need to do. There is also no blame to hand-out. This is all about taking responsibility for your own actions to gain new insights. Isn’t this all about you being your biggest competition? Yes, you are the one who puts up the negativity and mental barriers to the actions you want to take.

How can you use this insight?

When will you use it?

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