Have you ever felt over-stimulated?

Have you ever noticed someone that was more emotionally reactive?

Whether you’ve felt over-stimulated or noticed how someone was more emotionally reactive, what you’ve experienced is a highly sensitive person. The key thing to remember is that these people are not some sort of freaks. In fact I read in one report that there are nearly 50 million people in the U.S.A. who have this personality type.

Why do I point this out to you?

It is because I believe we need to become more aware of the uniqueness of the people in our workplace. Yes, you may think that they are too different from you, but it does not make them wrong.

I believe it is up to each and every one of us to take the lead when we meet someone. We need to raise our antennae’s so that we are aware of what is going on in that person’s life or in their personality. If we don’t do it we are the ones that lose. I believe that because they could be the one who can give you insight about a problem you have been having. The reason for this is because they view life differently than you do.

What can you do today to be more aware of what is going on in another person’s life?

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