How good is your memory these days?
Have you struggled like I have?
Lately, I’ve not been getting enough sleep and it surely has had a great impact on my memory. Due to this I’ve been reading a lot to do with improving my memory. I always like to give credit for any ideas but I can’t remember (poor joke) where I read the following. Firstly, one of the main models is known as the ‘Working Memory Model’, which claimed that our mind has separate areas for different tasks.
Then I came across the following basic rules for things/events to be remembered is that they fall into the following categories;
• Memorable or treasured
• Unique or distinctive
• Recallable
• Linked to our world
Due to these basic rules I’ve been spending more time mind mapping. I’ve been doing this as it helps get me focused on the above four categories. If you would like more information on mind mapping I would suggest you go to the source; the man who has made mind mapping what it is today – that man is Tony Buzan.
Give it a look; you might be pleasantly surprised at how this will help you.
What have you got to lose?
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