Is there a need for self-love?

Is that all we need to become all that we can?

I ask that question because of what a psychologist said in an interview recently. In order to look deeper into this I looked up the definition for self-love according to one source; it is a regard for one’s own well-being and happiness. With that definition I wonder if that can be attributed to narcissistic tendencies. It appears to me that those who are so self-assured because of their self-love they see no need for a Higher Power or others in their life.

So how do we become all that we can?

I am sure you would agree it is not achieved through narcissistic actions. Could it be that if we have a high belief that we are placed on Earth for a definite purpose and were contributing to those beyond ourselves? Could it be if a person was humble in their actions while serving the needs of others and was playing a part in making their part of the world a better place, wouldn’t they feel an inner sense of happiness?

Why don’t you take action on improving your belief in that you were are placed on Earth for a definite purpose?

Why don’t you take action and contribute to others beyond yourself?

Could you be more humble in your actions on making the world a better place?

Aren’t these actions more fulfilling long-term than self-love?

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