Is there an opportunity is each moment of your day?

You bet there is! That is if you take advantage of it, isn’t it?

Did you realize that your life span is limited? What are you doing about it? Are you disciplined enough to take action even when you are feeling tired or lethargic?

What happens when you don’t take action in these passing moments? You miss an opportunity to add value to some person. Isn’t that sad, when I put it that way?

Do you have a dream of a better future? I believe that all people want a better situation in their lives. Dreams do not happen unless you take action. This action comes first in the form of a plan if you want to make the dream come true sooner than later. This is because without some sort of a plan you will be using what I call the scattered approach. When you use a plan with action, it will lead to success and some failure. Failure is the opportunity! Yes, failure is an opportunity, as when things don’t work out you can learn from it, that is if you take the opportunity to make the failure a learning experience. A learning experience occurs when you examine what took place and draw some conclusions, then take action to create a plan to move forward from the learning. Remember, no one ever learned anything from success. So take lots of action and learn from it.

What can you do today that will lead you to your dream?

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