What are we doing to the world?

Are we not aware that we are hand-cuffing our future?

The other day I attended a great event. I say that because the content of the event was extra-ordinary.

While the content was magnificent, I was intrigued by what one of the speakers stated during the event. He wondered aloud why we (parents) are creating kids that are soft, entitled and narcissistic. When I said I was intrigued it was mainly because I agreed and it was so nice to hear someone else say it, in public.

I am not sure what he meant by soft, but to me it appears that many of the young people in our world are not mentally tough. That is they crumble with the slightest challenge. Entitlement is a personality flaw. I say that because how can you be entitled to anything when you’ve done nothing to earn it. Finally narcissism is a very big challenge. You can always tell who the narcissists are as they are never afraid to throw anyone under the bus, in order to get their own way. According to psychotherapist Sam Lopez De Victoria, PhD; “A narcissist will always turn tables on you and reverse accusations by shaming and attacking your credibility.”

So what can you do?

I believe it is important to speak up about what is happening, and do what you can to help your children or grandchildren overcome this mentality of being soft and entitled. As for the narcissistic personality flaw – maybe it is time to ignore them.

Are you up to the challenge?

The future of our world depends on your action, doesn’t it?

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