What are you doing to make every moment count?
Or are you just going through the motions.
The reason for my focus on the moment is that we have only the present moment to live and to act. There is no doubt that we can’t live in the past, as those moments are done. We can’t live in the future as those are yet to occur. So there is only this moment! It is the only time that we have a bit of control over. I stress a bit of control, and that is because we have the opportunity to control our thoughts. We can make all the plans, but unfortunate things happen. It is when those unfortunate things happen that we need to have control over one thing – that is control of our thoughts. Those thoughts will make all the difference in the world.
This is how to make every moment count. If you can control your thoughts, you can control your world.
What will you do today to make every moment count?
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