What are you focused on?
What is your objective?
Is it an objective that no matter how long it takes to achieve you will feel good about it? If you answered yes, you understand that this is the type of objective that does a person good. I say that because it shows your dedication and perseverance to the goal.
Dedication and perseverance are words that are not common today, are they? Why do you suppose that? Is it because you and I have got soft?
I believe North American’s have got soft because it is so easy to quit, and to walk away from the things that important in life. Did you ever notice that those ‘over night’ successes worked very hard and persevered in order to achieve their success?
Is it time to work harder than you’ve done recently?
Is it time that perseverance becomes the word you live by?
A new world is waiting for you if you want, isn’t it?
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