Did you know that all of us work in sales organizations?

This is because the only time a purchase or a sale is made is when clients or customers needs are being fulfilled, isn’t it?

It is my belief that no matter what organization you are in, you need to bring more people into your premises or location. It is vitally important to do that as if you don’t do that there will be massive layoffs and the organization could close.

Take for example the public school system. For years no one ever thought about the schools being in competition. Things were let slide and the attitude of many in the system was not conducive to the so called customers or clients (the parents of the children).

Due to this, there is more competition in the school business than there has ever been. Take for example the amount of people now home schooled. They left the public school system because their needs were not met.

What are you going to do to understand and fulfill the needs of your clients or customers in better ways?

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