Do you care about a stars life?

Do we really need to know about what is going on in a stars daily life?

If you said ‘no’ I would agree with you. But why is it that many Hollywood stars have so many followers? What is it that about these ‘followers’ that they care about the trivial parts of these stars lives?

That is another story, isn’t it?

The point of this blog or you may say rant, is that it appears with the more followers; the more that the Hollywood stars publicize about their lives. Let me give you a few examples of posts from a 44 year old actress;

  • “I drove away from a gas pump with the nozzle still in,”
  • It appears she was feeling “awful for being so absent minded,”
  • Then she “burst into tears in front of barista after ordering and made everyone uncomfortable.”
  • In another post she said “I was chastised for wearing fur but that was weird cause it was teddy bear fur,”
  • She also wrote “ran out of dog food.”

I hope you have a smile on your face, because it is really needed. Don’t we all have challenging days? Do we need to publicize them?

Talk about 1st World problems and we wonder why young people today are like basket cases when the most insignificant things happen in their world.

Come on people give your heads a shake. We’ve made a mess of the lives of our young people and if you and I individually don’t take some strong and positive action – it will not get any better.

What is one thing that you can do today?

What can you consider doing tomorrow that will help a young person in your life realize what life is all about?

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