Do your limitations affect you?

Should you live your life worrying about your limitations, or live from your strengths?

From my own personal experience I have focused on my limitations at times and let them affect the way I felt. But with time and maturity I started to realize that if I didn’t change my attitude, I would be left alone and without people to help me to move forward.

Yes, we are all limited in what we can do, no matter what the latest guru tells you.

Let me give you an example. When I was going to school I had a friend named Henry. To be politically correct he was ‘height challenged’. Yes Henry was only 3 feet tall in Grade 11. It is very good to understand that when you are only 3 feet tall you will not be making the basketball team. He was limited but understood that so he used his other strengths to do other things in school.

He was not limited by his beliefs, was he?

How can you awaken from the slumber of your limiting beliefs?

Would today be a good day to start?

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