5 Reasons Why Becoming Resilient is a Long-term Benefit

I decided to prepare this blog because I’ve been asked so much recently about what I do. While it is so easy to say that I help people ‘write the finest chapter in their life’ many don’t understand what that really means.

So, to help you; let me give you a real-life example. This particular person approached me because as he told me, he was fed-up with how things were going on in his life. He felt stuck and unable to do what he wanted to do.

As I do with all my clients, I like to get to know them on a deeper level, so I ask very wide-open questions. This gives me the opportunity to hear from them about how they feel about a wide variety of areas in life. This includes what they feel their greatest needs are, what meaning they give to life, and their beliefs, rules, fears and emotions.

Once I understand these areas of their life, it creates a foundation to work from. Then we get into what their greatest concerns are. The interesting point is that with the background that I’ve been told, many times it becomes very obvious as to why they are struggling.

My strength is in helping people get leverage in order to change their limiting beliefs. Yes, the beliefs that are holding them back, so that they can see their life with new eyes. It is when I see this happening that I can truly help my clients create new and empowering alternatives to how they are living, and prepare them for improving their world. This is essential because we live in a world that at times many of our own friends will try to hold us back. The bottom line for me is that I help people become better. This is because they are more competent in adapting to changing circumstances, more able to improvise, and more skilled in overcoming their challenges. The key is that I don’t tell them what to do. This because I was taught many years ago that people don’t argue with their own data or facts, so by my questioning process they are able to come up with solutions they have never thought of before.

You may be asking; ‘What are the 5 Reasons Why Becoming Resilient is a Long-term Benefit?’ You will;

  • develop a deeper focus on what is most important in your life,
  • gain a strong perseverance in doing things despite difficulty or delay in achieving success,
  • develop a positive grit or determination to endure, combined with the passion to achieve an important objective,
  • develop the ability to bounce back from challenges, then continuing by taking inspired and on-going action, and
  • gain the ability to handle uncalled for pressure to give in, without losing your temper or ignoring your principles.

Doesn’t it make sense to become more resilient in your life?

If you want to take the next step and ‘write the finest chapter in your life’? Give me a call and we can set up an initial appointment which includes our unique money-back guarantee offer. This means that if you don’t feel that what we are doing at a particular time in that first appointment – you get your money back.

Call me (Tim Gibney) at 519-539-2267 today.

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