Are you letting things slide?

Do the actions of others cause you frustration, but you still do nothing?

Sadly, this appears to be happening at an ever-increasing pace. But the real question is, why have we gone down this feeble or inoperative path?

It is very simple; we’ve misunderstood what the words ‘don’t judge’ means. And we’re misguided on what freedom is.

First of all, the phrase, ‘don’t judge’ has turned into a new glitzy name ‘non-judgementalism’.  In other words, people believe that we cannot judge people’s actions. Well, I must tell you, as a human being you judge from the moment you wake-up until the time you go asleep. It is part of human behavior and expressing opinions is part of our behavior. Disagreeing with a person’s behavior does not mean that you hate the person, and loving someone does not mean that you need to agree with everything that person does.

Let me give you an example; I live in Canada and we do get snow at times with a cold wind. Let’s say I have a son of 10 years old, and he decides on this cold, snowy and windy day that he is going outside in a t-shirt and shorts. Does it mean that I am a judgmental or fault-finding person if I tell my son that his choice to dress that way is not appropriate for the weather conditions? Of course not! I was blessed with a mind that gives me the opportunity to make rational or reasonable judgments. If you cared about the person and their long-term health, you might have done the same thing as I did.

Caring to me is a form of love and love is willing the good of another person. It is taking a stand on what you believe is important, no matter how much criticism or complaining you may get aimed back at you. By understanding that, you can see that if you really love someone, ignoring their actions is not love. As a Jewish prisoner in the Auschwitz and Buchenwald concentration camps Elie Wiesel stated; “The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference.” And if you are ignoring a person poor behavior you are indifferent. You have shown a total lack of concern or interest in that person.

It’s all in your approach. If you do not meet people where they are, you will not get them to listen to your opinion. If you don’t know the person background, their past behaviors or their intentions, you’ve got to tread very slowly and intentionally in what you are saying. That is, if you really care about them.

What can you do today, to avoid letting things slide in your life.

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