Are you tough and resilient?

Would you like to compare your abilities with the toughest animal on the earth?

Recently Howard J. Bennett of The Washington Post wrote an article entitled ‘What is the toughest animal on earth?’ There are many ways to consider how tough some one is. Due to this article I believe we should consider how a species deals with its surroundings. That is how you handle your personal climate and the climate you are in at work.

But before I get to his findings I want to share with you a few of his observations about us humans. He states; “Humans are pretty helpless. A naked human can endure only a narrow range of environments. Too hot? We’re dead. Too cold? We’re dead. Not enough water? We’re dead. Too much water? Yup, we’re dead.”

Yes, if things get too hot at your work, you may feel that you can’t stand it. If you are getting the cold shoulder from your work-mates you may feel like quitting. If you’ve made a big error and are in hot-water you are in trouble. You feel like throwing your hands up and walking away.

So what were the writer’s findings?

The toughest animal on the Earth is the Tardigrade. He states; “Tardigrades are a little longer than a grain of salt. They are found all over the world, but thrive best in a moist environment. Tardigrades have four pairs of legs with claws on the end. They have a mouth with dagger-like teeth that are used to feed on algae, plant cells and animals. If a Tardigrade were a big as a horse, it would look like a creature from a horror movie! Tardigrades can survive boiling water, extreme cold, radiation, the vacuum of space and pressures six times greater than that which is found in the deepest ocean. They can even last 10 years or more without food or water.”

Why did this article interest me? It is because for years we’ve used the Tardigrade as our company logo. We may not be able to help you survive boiling water or extreme cold, but we can help you attain the mental toughness to overcome the times when things are too hot in life or when you are getting the cold-shoulder from those close to you.

Wouldn’t that make you life a lot easier?

Why don’t you give me a call at 519-539-2267, so that we can discuss the possibilities?

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