What leads to happiness?
Is it the collection of ‘things’? Or is it really possible to find happiness? I believe that you will agree that every person wants to be happy. I also believe that the search for happiness bonds us as human beings. …
Is it the collection of ‘things’? Or is it really possible to find happiness? I believe that you will agree that every person wants to be happy. I also believe that the search for happiness bonds us as human beings. …
Is it instinctive to judge things and people? The other day I was watching a T.V. program about the people who protect the borders of our country. The border patrol officer stated; ‘I’m not here to judge.’ I laughed out …
Have you ever found something so valued that you know you could not improve on it? That is what I am sharing with you today with the link below. It is ’29 Things You Should Stop saying at Work’. I …
Do we need to look at the animal kingdom to understand that courage can be taught? I believe we do because if we look at eagles you will find an interesting scenario; After the eaglets get to a certain maturity, …
Do you find that you see things differently when you are away from work? Recently I took 8 days off for some rest and rejuvenation and it worked. I say that because my sense of humor appeared to be working …
Does apologizing to a specific group of people for a rude comment change things? In May a ball-player for the Toronto Blue Jays was forced/told to apologize to the LGBTQ community for a ‘slur’ he said during a base-ball game. …
Have you awoken from the trance that you believe you are doing as good as you can? Recently I came across this quote by Paula D’Arcy (a psychotherapist, writer, retreat leader, and speaker); she said; “To awaken is to be …
Is there someone in your life that is creating an issue that you don’t believe is justified? Recently this has come up while I was doing some work in a large organization. It was obvious that the perpetrator of the …
Or do you believe that luck is the key to your success? I would say that you need to be a skillful and a reliable worker to be lucky. That is because luck shows up when you apply yourself. What …
Do you think that you are the only one who can do everything right in your business? If you answered yes to that question, I know you need to re-think that answer. I type that because if you think that …