Do you need to be good to be lucky?
Or do you believe that luck is the key to your success? I would say that you need to be a skillful and a reliable worker to be lucky. That is because luck shows up when you apply yourself. What …
Or do you believe that luck is the key to your success? I would say that you need to be a skillful and a reliable worker to be lucky. That is because luck shows up when you apply yourself. What …
Do you think that you are the only one who can do everything right in your business? If you answered yes to that question, I know you need to re-think that answer. I type that because if you think that …
Are you asking what type of pain? The short answer is any pain. I say that because most people have aches and pains in life. We have people that insulted us. We have physical ailments that are causing us issues. …
Are you sure? The reason for this question is that a number of months ago I had the opportunity to interview some very successful small business leaders. I asked them what were the ways that they sabotaged their own organizations. …
In other words, are you very concerned about what will happen for you financially? Has this become a constant pressure on your life? How has that affected you? Over the years I’ve found that when I put extra pressure on …
Or are you interested in only what they can give to you in the form of payment or a recommendation? First of all, am I not pointing my finger at only you; because I know that if I point one …
Is it a fear that you will fail at something that really doesn’t matter? The idea for this blog came from quote that I read recently by Francis Chan. The quote is; “Our greatest fear should not be of failure …
Is this helpful or a problem? The reason for this blog is that at times in the world of business you come across someone who will not share information with those who need to know. Yes, if this information had …
Have you thought about what you are capable of? Our capabilities are a very unique topic of thought. I type that because either we limit the beliefs in what we are capable of or we exaggerate what we can do. …
Have you felt that this has been good for you? I hope you said ‘yes’ as when we are challenged we tend to go a little deeper in our potential skills and abilities. What do I mean by that? I …