Where are you going?
What are you doing? Have you even thought about the path you are taking? Many years ago I was in the funeral industry. I bring that up because when you know of someone who has died, it becomes a check-point …
What are you doing? Have you even thought about the path you are taking? Many years ago I was in the funeral industry. I bring that up because when you know of someone who has died, it becomes a check-point …
You may not realize it but the date has a great importance for many that you may not be aware of. Most people don’t know that back in 1912, Hellmann’s mayonnaise was manufactured in England. In fact, the Titanic was carrying 12,000 …
Would you agree that on every team the stars get all the praise? The biggest hero’s for me are the one’s that play the support roles – yes the so called bench-warmers. I say that because it is the support roles – the ‘unsung …
Is this pressure becoming more stressful for you? Pressure and stress are usually associated, aren’t they? In order for us to put this into a clearer perspective consider that pressure comes from outside forces. These forces can be people or situations. …
Or are you an individualist that marches to the beat of your own drummer? As you know there is a big difference in the two. The reason I bring this up is that many times if you are part of …
Have you ever made an emotional purchase? The other day I was doing some reading and I came across an article called ‘The Myth of the Rational Consumer’ by Peter Noel Murray, Ph.D. It reminded me of what I was …
Do you believe that this is the best way to improve? Over the years we’ve heard a lot about ‘modeling’. As you know modeling is the general process in which one person serves as models for another. In other words …
Is this ever achievable? If perfection is necessary, I’ve got a question for you; how much stress is that placing on you and your co-workers? Is this the type of an organization that makes you happy to go to work …
It all depends, doesn’t it? What about some of the business buzzwords that have become so overused and increase your stress level? What about words like; ‘At the end of the day.’, or ‘As we speak.’, and what about ‘Give …
Have they served you in the best way? Assumptions can either serve or hurt you. The reason for this blog is that I’ve recently returned from speaking to 20 business leaders at a special conference in the southern United States. This …