How is your New Year going so far?
Are there some things you need to improve? Now that we are into the 4th week of a New Year, it is time to review how your plans are going. Some one who is reading this will say; ‘Who needs …
Are there some things you need to improve? Now that we are into the 4th week of a New Year, it is time to review how your plans are going. Some one who is reading this will say; ‘Who needs …
Is it the fear of failure/bankruptcy or the fear of death? According to Steven Pressfield in his book ‘The War of Art’ the greatest of all fears is that we might succeed beyond our wildest imagination. Now isn’t that an …
Is there something in your background that is causing you to fear? About a year ago I bought the CD set ‘The War of Art’ from Nightingale Conant. I bought it because the subtitle was ‘Break Through the Blocks and …
If that happens to our bones, then shouldn’t it happen to our character from the stress and chaos that we experience in the world? I believe that is true. Unfortunately as modern humans we don’t like to experience any undue …
Did you know that human bones get stronger when subjected to stress and tension? Read more »
If you are like me, you would say ‘yes’ automatically. Over the Christmas break I did what I called a ‘Focus Session’. It is my way of looking at the past year and getting ready for the New Year. As …
Have you ever wondered about the value of a week? Even though you may have heard those questions before, I am going to address those concerns because of what took place in my life this past week. I was laid-low …
Have you ever wondered about the value of a day? Read more »
You bet there is! That is if you take advantage of it, isn’t it? Did you realize that your life span is limited? What are you doing about it? Are you disciplined enough to take action even when you are …
Is there an opportunity is each moment of your day? Read more »
Is there a reason for this interest? The other day I was speaking to a business associate and at the end of our discussion he told me that he wanted to know more about our process, while this is a …
Are you interested in the process or the results? Read more »
Would you like to know how to find the magic bullet? Doesn’t it seem that our world is designed to chip away at our sense of being in control? If you answered ‘yes’ you are absolutely correct. While some people …
Are you going to be able to get more control in your life this year? Read more »
Is that the attitude you carry with you during good times? If you are in this mode, read on! I understand that in business we need to be aware of the unpredictability of the economy, the prospective customers and regular …