Can ‘it’ happen to anyone?

Are you wondering what the ‘it’ is?

I type this blog with a great concern for the people involved. There is only compassion for them and unease for others who think this way.

My concern is because of a recent article about a young man who died after taking OxyContin that was laced with fentanyl. It was one member of his family who stated that ‘it could happen to anyone’.

I object to this comment very firmly. This ‘it’ can not happen to anyone, that is an over-generalization and it does not help anyone. I state that because this young man bought into this world’s pleasure principle, which was misguided and he made a decision which ultimately affected his family and friends. It was a decision to take OxyContin. You need to understand why people take OxyContin; it is an opioid – a slow-release heroin that is the high content of oxycodone. And it is what makes OxyContin popular on the street. It is my understanding that like other narcotic medicines, OxyContin can slow your breathing and death may occur if breathing becomes too weak.

So that leads to a question why would anyone take a medication not meant for them that can slow their breathing with possible death the result? Firstly many people don’t realize or comprehend that OxyContin may be habit-forming, even at regular doses. Other than pain relief and sedation which is what it is sold for, the euphoria, extreme relaxation and reduced anxiety are what people on the streets appear to be looking for. Secondly, this young man’s personal needs were not being met. These needs are emotional and spiritual and form the basis of what we all need. If he had met those needs in better ways he would not have been using OxyContin as an escape from life.

What can you do?

  1. Learn from this example and speak to those who are important to you.
  2. When you speak to them, do not make it a lecture.
  3. Take the time and make them realize that things are never the way we see them, and give the example of this true story.

I wish you all the best in this coming New Year and I will close this blog with a few questions;

    • Is the long-term health of those important to you?
    • How can you use this blog to emphasize it?

5 Comments on “Can ‘it’ happen to anyone?

    • David, I appreciate your comment on this one. I type that because I was concerned about my drug explanations and you being a trained Pharmacist, I can rest my concern.

  1. Absolutely correct Tim. Fentanyl laced Oxycontin is not the problem, illegal and irresponsible drug taking is.

    It’s all about making the right choices and accepting that stupid actions have serious consequences.

    Time for Western society to wake up and start bringing children up properly instead of pandering to every perceived infringement of their “rights” and showering them with electronic diversions.

    Time for parents to be parents and responsible role models, not trying to be best friends with their children. Driven by guilt for spending more time fulfilling their own needs for instant self-gratification than making the effort to be good parents.

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