Do people cause issues for you?

Is this really possible?

I believe it is possible only when you have no control of the filters in your life.

Are you wondering what those filters are that I speak about? Before I tell you of the filters I want to tell you that these filters do three things; they delete, distort or generalize information that has happened in an event. When these filters do these things they change the way you represent internally that external event. These filters can be past memories, decisions, your values, your beliefs and your attitudes.

So let me give you an example. You are in a conversation and the person you are speaking to responds to you with a puzzling look on their face to one of your comments. How do you react? Well it all depends on the internal filters that you employ, doesn’t it? For example; if you have had a difficult situation in the past with that person, do you think that you may get upset by the look on their face? Can you see how these filters affect your behavior?

Can you see that it is not necessarily the other person that is causing you issues? It is your internal representation of what took place, isn’t it?

Why not consider this quote from the late Viktor E. Frankl (an Austrian psychiatrist as well as a Holocaust survivor) he stated; “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

What is one thing that you can you do to change your poor internal representations?

Would today be a good day to start this?

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