Do you know that your acts of charity can benefit your business?

Did you know that those benefits can be financial as well?

This week I was at a meeting and the woman who was leading this meeting spoke about how Purdys Chocolatier had helped her son many years ago. This was due to her son approaching the company in a fund-raising campaign for a school event. Of all the stores that her son approached in this large mall, Purdys was the only one that contributed to the cause.

Because of their interest in her son, whenever she buys any treats for meetings or her home she only buys from one store. Can you guess which one? Of course it is Purdy’s.

Many times as business owners or managers we are approached for donations and it is so easy to brush off the person approaching you. This is particularly true if it is a younger person. Can you understand what the return has been for this business? The manager took initiative and did the right thing. The manager did not know the ultimate result from helping out this young man, did they? They did not know how many times his mother would tell this story either, did they?

The next time you are approached for a donation, are you going to re-consider your negative response?

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