Does consumerism control your life?

Are you buying ‘things’ for no good reason?

First of all consumerism is the concept that encourages the acquisition of goods and services in ever-increasing amounts. To me the ‘things’ are the items that you purchase that give you an immediate contentment. It could be some make-up, it could be a new car, and it also could be a new laptop. Research has shown that the contentment you get when you purchase some ‘thing’ does not last for long.

So what is the solution? I believe it is working to attain inner joy.

For me inner joy is a long-term, inner sense of peace and strength. A person without that inner joy will be happy when they get the new car, but will not only remain content after the car has been used.

With an inner joy it does not change regardless of the circumstances in our life. By aligning our focus on what is really important, we are capable of incredible inner peace and joy.

To check to see if your focus is helpful in leading you to an inner joy, ask yourself these questions;

  • Do I complain about being bored a majority of the time?
  • Do I buy things just for the sake of buying them?
  • Do I fly off the handle when things don’t go my way?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of those questions consider this question;

  • What can I do to re-align my focus and increase my inner joy?

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