Does hiring a person who has university degree help your business?

Did you know that according to a recent Gallup poll 84% of business leaders believe that a candidate’s knowledge is a particular field is very important?

The poll also states that 28% of the business leaders felt that a candidate’s college or university degree had a real significance for them.

I agree with both of these statistics. I agree because a degree only tells part of the story of the person. Yes, they have proven that they can apply themselves to book-learning to get the degree. But they have not proven to me that they have a strong work ethic or that they can be adaptable to change and persevere in tough times.

So the bottom line for me is when you hire new staff, you need to find ways to understand the potential staff members thoughts and attitudes about the following traits;

  • how strong is their work ethic,
  • are the adaptable to change, and
  • how have they shown perseverance in their life.

Don’t these traits make the most sense in today’s world?

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