Does it feel good when everyone agrees with you?

Are there times when you take a position that is opposed to that of the majority?

Mark Twain said; “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” Now what did he mean by that?

Was he saying that if everyone agrees only one person matters? Or was he saying when you take a contrarian point of view it is good as it can make others think again about their point of view?

I believe that if you are in a situation where everyone is always agreeing, there is a problem. This problem could be that someone in the group has such a strong personality that everyone is afraid to oppose what the ‘strong one’ has proposed. This is a sign that the group dynamics are not working. When group dynamics are not working the innovative ideas needed for growth and development are non-existent.

What can be done to rectify this situation? Here is a 5 step process to help you out;

  1. Identify and define the problem
  2. Itemize the impact that it is having
  3. Single out the benefits of any improvement
  4. Develop a list of solutions
  5. Take action on the solutions (individually or as a team)

While the first step may be the toughest one, by acknowledging a problem it creates a different feeling in any group situation.

Doesn’t this make sense?

2 Comments on “Does it feel good when everyone agrees with you?

  1. I have been known to take a contrarian point of view on occasion.

    Situations where everyone appears to agree are frequently that way by default, but not always because the leader, appointed or de-facto, has a strong personality or a compelling way of presenting a vision.

    Other reasons are inertia, not wanting to rock the boat, other group members being too lazy to apply sufficient effort to think of other possibilities, just to name a few.

    • Peter I do appreciate your valid points. Although I wonder what the default is in many situations. Could it be the usual obeying the ‘boss’?

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