Have you been wronged?

Have you kept it inside you?

I’d like to share a process that I believe works. It was incredibly insightful and will work if you adhere to the order I present it;

  1. Acknowledge that there is something to forgive and forget.
  2. Determine precisely what the perpetrator has triggered in you.
  3. Never say ‘it is all right’ or ‘that it doesn’t matter’.
  4. Determine the consequences and make a decision to release the perpetrator from their blame.

The key element I stress is to make sure you follow the steps exactly as laid out. This is because if you skip one of the steps it won’t be as effective.

If you’ve held something inside you for any amount of time consider what it has done to you.

Isn’t it time you moved on?

This process will help, won’t it?

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