Have you ever neglected to take care of your yard or property?

Have you ever ignored one area of your life and felt regret later?

I know that when we neglect weeding our yards or cutting our lawn, it starts to depreciate the value of our properties and those properties around us. This is no different than when we start to ignore areas of our lives, it starts to diminish the value of us as humans

Let me give you an example. You met this very attract person, with a great personality. You’ve showered that person with affection so much over the years that they accept your offer of marriage. Shortly after the honeymoon your attention to their needs starts to decrease and decrease. If this continues, what will be the results of this? You may still be married, but will the ‘spark’ still be there? Of course not!

It is the same with any area of your life, if you don’t constantly upgrade your skills and abilities your ability to do your job, contribute to good friendships, or manage your finances; your self worth will decrease. Thus you will have started down a very slippery slope of reduced self worth.

What kind of an impact will that have on you?

Is this something that you want to have happen?

What will you do about it today?

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