How passionate are you?
Does your passion or enthusiasm frighten people?
For the people that know me, they know that I am a very passionate about life and about what I do. Every once in a while I will hear from some person that ‘such and such’ said that I was too intense. I smile, as without a name; their comments mean nothing.
I view comments like that as someone who has never been enthusiastic about anything. This is because I know that passion is very good. I say that for one reason; if I wasn’t enthusiastic or passionate it shows that I am probably not happy about my life or in the right career.
How passionate are you about your life and career?
What is one action you can you do today to increase your passion?
Good point, problem is that passion and enthusiasm make most dispassionate and unenthusiastic people distinctly uncomfortable – even if they agree with you or your message.
Is it a problem though Peter?
I was told that without enthusiasm nothing great ever was achieved. If we make those dispassionate people uncomfortable do you think it might create a tension for change in their attitude? Is it possible that when they see how enthusiasm is helping others live an enjoyable life, they may glean some insight as to how life can really be lived?