Is courage created in our encounters with others?

I believe it is. I state that because when we put ourselves in situations that stretch our thoughts of what we are possible of doing it is gutsy or courageous. And what that means is that by taking a chance on an action that the result is either unknown or risky our ego or our reputation in on the line.

Yes, taking a chance really moves us beyond our comfort level. It is this movement past our comfort level that we grow as individuals. Sadly, many people today are stuck, thus they are not growing or becoming all that they could become.

In this time of a pandemic, we are tempted to believe that the trauma, sufferings and challenges are unprecedented. But we seem to have a very short memory or a lack of understanding history. This is because our parents and grandparents endured some very difficult times in the past, namely The Depression and many World Wars. Our lives and our history are filled with many difficulties and this COVID situation should be a reminder that our personal history is filled with many difficult times.

When we’re tempted to give up, we need to remember that we’ve had challenges before. And, as French playwright, actor and poet Moliere wrote; “The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.”

This leads to a question; ‘What are you willing to live for?’

Yes, I will admit that the question is rather intimidating, and for many it is difficult to answer.

To start with, let me tell you that it does not have to be some large project involving the entire world. It could be something very small that will make a difference to a few people. The key words in that sentence are ‘that will make a difference’. And of course, you realize that I am talking about a positive difference.

So, ‘What are you willing to live for?’ What 2 action items can you take today that will help you move forward in what are you willing to live for. I asked you to list 2 items that you can do today because it will give you motivation for today, then you can list 2 items you can do tomorrow, then the next day, then the next day after that; until you’ve accomplished your objective.

Now I want you to ask yourself, “What am I willing to die for?”

You may be saying, that this is a tougher question, and you are right. Yes, what are you willing to believe and do that would make a difference for those you leave after you have died?

That is leaving a legacy, isn’t it?

How will courage be part of leaving a legacy for others?

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