Is your business is always debating how to improve?

Would you like it to quit the debate and start innovating?

I know that there is only one way to create a sustainable competitive advantage. That is by being able to learn faster than your competition.

The process begins with each person in your company. Each employee has to look in the mirror and ask this question; ‘Do I see mistakes as another way to learn?’ If you answer yes to that question you have taken the first step in creating a sustainable and competitive advantage. If you or some of your co-workers answered no, your business is in trouble. You need to get out of the rut that you are in. You need to be willing to implement low or no cost actions that might end up as failures.

Have you ever heard of the ‘ready, fire, aim’ process? It is great in that you develop something, put it into the marketplace, and then improve it when you get concerns or complaints. This is a great process as it shows your customers that you are listening to them. It also shows that you are willing to take risks to become a bigger problem for your competitors.

What can you do today that will help create a business climate where mistakes are recognized for their learning opportunities?

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