Is your stress level leading to good or to bad?
Did you know that higher stress levels often lead to serious health problems?
What can you do if stress is having a negative impact on your body, your relationships or your business? It is time to think about stress management and taking action using the techniques that are available.
According to the Mayo Clinic;
• the first step is the decision to make the change on how you are managing your stress,
• secondly, you need to address the triggers that stress you. Are these triggers job pressures, relationships or are they financial?
• the third step is to consider strategies for dealing with these stress triggers. Some people use prayer, others might use meditation, while others might start an exercise program.
What will you do to reduce your stress level today?
Remember that managing your stress is not a ‘quick fix’. By being patient with yourself you will begin to understand how you can reduce your stress level, won’t you?
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