What about the neglected children?

What about how neglected children end up as adults?

Recently I listened to a number of people speaking about a child as if the life that child had no value. The comments about the neglected child alarmed me; think about these comments;

  • He’s been dealt a bad hand., and
  • This is his/her lot in life.

It was if that child was isolated in the world and had no resources to help them out of their situation. Think about how self-centered these people were to what is needed in the world. Yes, what is needed in the world is fellowship or solidarity with all of the people that occupy our world.

I guess I was privileged to grow up in a family that spoke about helping others whether it was a donation or was active work with those that were less-fortunate than us. I guess I was privileged to hear from my parents that ‘we’ are our brother’s and sister’s guardians, it is not the sole responsibility of our governments to help those less fortunate than us. I guess I was privileged to learn that it was when I was giving to others that I thought better of myself.

You may be wondering how children are neglected in our world when it appears that they have everything. Yes, they have their own bed-rooms to having a computer to having a tablet or a cell phone, and all their friends on Facebook.

The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (headquartered in Scotland), stated that neglect is the ongoing failure to meet a child’s basic needs and is the most common form of child abuse.

So, what are those basic needs?

  • A child may be left hungry or dirty.
  • A child can be without adequate clothing, shelter, supervision, medical or health care. 
  • A child may be put in danger or not protected from physical or emotional harm.

When I first looked at this list it concerned me that all of those basic needs could and should be filled by a parent. But then again, I wonder if we have lost our ability to show parenting skills. I’ve written about the ‘what’s in it for me’ society that we are in right now and maybe that is why we see or hear of stories of neglected children.

What are the solutions?

Number 1 we have to place parenting in the proper perspective. If we don’t properly parent our children we are creating our own mess. As a former school trustee, I strongly believe that parents are the first educators. Parents can teach their children right from wrong by our actions. For example, feeding our children before we look after our own needs.

Number 2 become a person of value. As Albert Einstein stated; “Try not to become a man of success, but rather become a man of value.”

Finally, number 3, show some resilience! Don’t buy into the commercialism that our society preaches. You and your children don’t need everything that is advertised.

Doesn’t it make sense to help those that are the neglected and the weakest in our society?

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