What are some ideas to manage self-isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Self-isolation and COVID-19 do not have to impact your life permanently, does it?

I believe the first thing to remember is to shift your focus to what you can control. In other words; refocus your mind so that no matter what happens your focus is calm and steadfast. As someone said to me; you might be stuck at home, you don’t have to be stuck in a rut.

Did you know our intellect becomes gloomy and our wills are weakened and our capacity for selfishness occurs during these times of isolation? I believe this is because we are ‘social-beings’. That being we need others and for the most part want to have connections with others.

Here are 11 ideas to manage your day and your attitude more effectively;

  1. Remember that what you focus on is the meaning you have for your World.
  2. Resist Group Think; in other words; think for yourself and follow what the health officials are telling us about keeping a good distance from others.
  3. Stop letting your desires pull you in every direction, namely get focused. Spend some time in looking at your life, and make some plans for your future. That is one of the things I am doing. I call this time a time for renewal and growth.
  4. Stop taking everything so seriously, I find that many people in situations like this forget they have a sense of humor – use yours.
  5. They take care of your body; exercise and eat better. This is a time when you can create some new and rewarding long-term habits.
  6. Ask yourself; Where does my inner strength come from?
  7. Find some every day inspiration; this could be some spiritual readings or some quotes by revered thinkers. Remember to choose your information sources carefully; yes, there is a lot of garbage available. Find something that enlightens or lifts up your spirits. Go deeper in your life with reading and study.
  8. Work at understanding the ‘fight-or-flight’ response.
  9. Don’t discount the power of language. That meaning if you are thinking or speaking negatively, your life will not be much fun.
  10. Help your children get to know that the World does not function properly with a self-centered attitude. Show your interest in others. Call someone who may be alone and tell your children why you did it.
  11. Whenever you feel that this isolation is getting to you, why don’t you try this little exercise? Say aloud this sentence; ‘I am glad I am not in the hospital taking my last breath due to being infected with the COVID-19 virus.’ The reason why this works is that there is only one psychological factor that produces happiness – it is being satisfied with what you currently have.

The final question is; are you willing to take action on at least one of these ideas?

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