What does it take to become successful?

Are there really 9 beliefs to become successful?

In a recent article on Inc.com Jeff Haden outlines the beliefs that he has found out from the successful people he knows. The key line for me in the article is; “And they act on those beliefs.”

It is point # 8 in the article that I would like to touch on with this post. The belief is “People who pay me always have the right to tell me what to do”. This struck home with me because of a few discussions I’ve had over the past year with those who do not work for themselves. It appears that those who do not work for themselves seem to think that they are the bosses of the time they work for the organizations they work. I’ve smiled at their attitude because it appears that they are confused. The way I see it is that we live in a free country and we are able to make our own decisions. One of those decisions is to leave any company if we are not happy working there. Sadly a few of the people I’ve spoke to seem to think that nothing can change unless they want it to. With this attitude they have shown that they have quit but have not left the organization.

What good is that for the company? Can you see why many organizations are putting in more automation and letting workers go?

If you are an employee what can you do to get more engaged in your organization?

If you are an owner or a manager what can you do to get your staff more engaged in your organization?

Can you see how getting more engaged can help you become successful?

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