What does mediocrity mean to you?

Is it something that you strive for?

Mediocrity is the characteristic of not being very good, it is the quality or state of being mediocre. For example a person who does not have the special ability to do something well. After reading that definition it isn’t something that you strive for, is it?

But why is it that many days you and I are mediocre?

I believe it comes down to one thing. This thing is whether or not we are enthused about an aspect of our life. To me enthused means to have a strong excitement about something. This something could be as simple as waking up in the morning. It could be as complex as being challenged by your boss to create a solution to a large organizational problem.

What is one thing that you can do today to show your enthusiasm for life?

Isn’t this a better choice than being mediocre?

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