What is it that gives you your sense of security?

Is it the things you own, your status or your net worth?

Let me tell you a personal example. Quite a number of years ago when I first got into the training industry the first few years were very challenging financially. In fact if my wife had not gone back to work we would have been in dire straits. We managed to provide the basics for our young daughters at that time. A number of years later when our financial situation had improved immensely I was speaking to our oldest daughter and we some how ended up talking about those tough times. The most interesting part of our discussion is that she said that she never noticed how tough financially it was for us at that time. In other words our sense of security was not our net worth or how much money we were earning at the time. It was how good we felt inside.

So what is it that gives you your sense of security? If it is based on the things you own, your status or your net worth? Can you see that if those are your focus how this could lead to a problem?

What can you do today to change your focus from the added extras of today’s world, and live a life of true happiness?

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