Who do they think they are?

Who do they think they are?

Do you think you are above the law or above ethical guidelines?

This is my question to all those Hollywood types who figure that they can do anything they want.

Just look at the past few years; Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, now actresses Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman. What about integrity and principles? For your information integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. Let’s look at moral uprightness. It is the quality of being honest, responsible, and ethical.

Why can’t we humans be honest? What is wrong with admitting that we are far from perfect?

Why can’t we be responsible? What is wrong with taking care of your responsibilities?

Why can we be ethical? Why can’t we relate and practice the standards of good behavior? What is wrong with fairness?

Some of you may be saying that the above-mentioned people were role models at one time. I am not sure if I would ever want to have a celebrity as a role model. This is because I don’t want to follow people whose standards for living are very low. Remember that these people are celebrities, and they live a fairy-tale existence with all of their needs being met by an underling or an assistant. You might like that form of existence, but is it really the way life should be lived? Whatever happened to a work-ethic? Whatever happened to restraint and being humble?

As I write this I am reminded of politicians and how they let us down as soon as they are elected. So why do we vote them back in? What about their integrity and principles? There has got to be a better choice isn’t there? What if we decided to vote for people that have served others not for glory and praise? What about people who have served those less fortunate, after being less fortunate?

I am also reminded that there are those people in the trades like plumbers, electricians, or cabinet makers who are very eager to take your money for their services, but when you have a complaint or a concern you will not see or hear from them again.

Could this poor behavior be related to ‘self-love’? I believe so! This is because when you are so focused on yourself the rest of the world is insignificant. they are only in it for what makes them feel good.

Have we all gone mad to put up with this poor behavior?

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